Chez Toast or Toast Haus

Toast is the most from coast to coast - and this is his Blog! You'll be witness to various insignificant musings. Please take them all with a grain of salt... or curry.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So... it's been a year and a half since I posted something. I am sure that you all are bored senseless. My apologies. I wish there was a way to create blogs inside of blogs so I could have blog sections. I want to do a movie review section and book review section... I'm sure it can be done, I just ain't all the bright. Yet.

So, Pretty and I celebrate our 4 year anniversary today. Hard to believe. She makes me quite happy :)

What have I been up to for the last year and a half? Went to Europe twice. Was on Omaha Beach in France for the 60th Anniversary of D-Day last summer. That was incredible. Even got to see W Bush! Pretty and I went in fall of 2003 to Italy and Germany and had a great time.

Let's see, I quit playing Galaxies a few months ago. It was a tough decision to do it. It was my first game of that type and I did not realize how attached I had become to that "world". But, it's been a good thing I think. I don't know when I'll do another game like that in the future. My gut says to wait a while before I do another one so I will be wow'ed by it. Who knows?
I got to beta test a remake of my favorite computer game of all time - called Sid Meier's Pirates! It's a great remake and I even got my name in the credits :) I'm part of Pirates! history. Hooray for me.

I got a Kitched Aid mixer for christmas - yes, I still call it CHRISTMAS!!! I want to paint flames on it!


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