Chez Toast or Toast Haus

Toast is the most from coast to coast - and this is his Blog! You'll be witness to various insignificant musings. Please take them all with a grain of salt... or curry.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Chez Toast
I'm getting old. Last fall I messed up my right shoulder helping some friends move. I don't want to help friends move anymore. It's way easier to help them stay put. Just drive over to their house and make sure they don't start to load stuff into a truck!

Anyway, so that was in December and my right shoulder finally started to act normal about a month ago while we were in Germany.

But, while in Germany at Trent's house (a buddy of mine who still lives in Heidelberg - I used to live there btw), I slept funny on his guest bed and compressed a disc in my back that pinched a nerve in my left shoulder. You want to talk about pain? I couldn't get ANY relief - even percaset didn't do anything except make me loopy.

So about 2 weeks ago, almost 6 weeks after coming home, about the time when my pinched nerve shoulder thing is starting to get better, my jaw starts hurting. Yeah. Jaw. What the hell? It's the temporal mandibular joint - or TMJ that is the problem. I think I overextended it 2 weeks ago when I was numbed up for some dental work. I'm just now getting to where I can eat a hot dog. Pitiful.

Guess I don't heal as fast as I once did. How Little is going to manage as her much older boyfriend starts to fall apart on her, I really don't know.


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