So I finally have a helmet. It took several weeks. I have an unuasually large head (a "grosse kopf" for you germans out there) and it took some effort to find one to fit. I guess when you have such a large and useless brain as I have, you need a large skull to hold it in. It's yellow (see the picture) which says "Look at ME!" which kind of mirrors my personality, no? I am hoping it will be very visible to other drivers as well.
I took my last final exam for the this semester last night. Pretty sure I got an A on the final. A B on the final still gives me an A, so I am 99.99% positive that I have a 4.0 gpa for the semester. Not bad for an old fart with no short term memory.
I found more than 800 bucks on the sidewalk leaving class last night, in an envelope. I turned it in... what was I thinking? Went to trivia afterwards. It was nice to hang out some for a change. I don't have class on thursday nights next semester so I should be able to make it more often.
So, it's a good day today :)
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