Mayhem and MerrimentI'm now in Kent Ohio for a gaming convention called Con on the Cob. It's a convention by a guy who I met at the Origins gaming convention earlier this year named Andy Hopp. He's a hilarious and friendly guy who's one of those guys who's just fun to hang out with. He's done a book for the role playing game I like called Savage Worlds. This convention is almost a who's who for Savage Worlds. The guy who created the system, Shane Hensley, is also here as well as just about everyone else who does material for the game. So whereas larger conventions like DragonCon have little to no Savage Worlds presence, this one is almost totally Savage Worlds. I'll have a chance to game with all the people who created the game which means guys who really know what they are doing. Should be a great time.
At 7:18 AM,
Toast said…
had a grand time. Getting to play a game with the game's creator is always a plus. :) Good people too. I'm broke however... very very broke.
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