Many of you know that my best friend Fish is currently stationed in Iraq as part of the 3rd Infantry Division (my old unit, oddly enough). From time to time, I ask him via email about living conditions, mission successes and such. Here is an interesting reply he sent this week to my most recent barrage in inquiries... such as how much of an impact has the troop surge had, etc. I thought some of you might like to read his comments as I am sure he has a unique perspective on the situation compared to the press who feeds up dribble everyday - anyway, here it is:
I can't remember if I told you (again, I know I am a crappy pen pal) but I am no
longer at Victory, but have moved to Camp Delta; which is a "coalition" camp in
a different sector...Coalition means there was no significant US presence there,
so there is a mix mash of allied countries that are here to help us out...(makes
staff call a challenge)...and is much smaller scale and remote (No PX, no burger
king, barber, or AAFES support) than anything in Baghdad, but it is not that bad
here. In order to get snacks or whatever here you have to deal with a local
vendor "Habibi" who is a 50+ year old Iraqi guy from the area with about 40% of
his teeth...who has "squatted" in one of the abandoned buildings here on
post...however, if you go to his shop, you have to be prepared for the dreaded
"Habibi Man-Kiss"...
As for the Surge, I can tell you that militarily is spectacularly successful. We
are kicking jihadi ass seven ways to Sunday here. We are being successful in
pushing AQI and other baddies farther and farther from Baghdad, giving the
people and the government some breathing room. The thing we don't control is the
competency level of the government just don't shake off 1000's of
years of systemic Arabic style government corruption and 30 years of Stalinist
Totalitarian corruption easily...will the Iraqis be able to get all of their
shit into one bag before the Dems force us to surrender? Who knows...
The longer I am here, the more I am convinced that this is not a civil war, but
a proxy war being fought by Iran, Syria, SA and others through the various
terror groups...Joe Iraqi is (or at least was) very grateful, and by and large
still are that we took out Saddam and have given them "freedom"...Joe Iraqi
however, believes that because we are American we can literally do
ANYTHING...(We call this the "If the US can put a man on the Moon Syndrome..."
If we can put a man on the moon, then the reason that he doesn't have a job or
security, or electricity in his house is not because the terrorists are killing
/ destroying things, it is because we don't care enough to stop it. (this is
Arab logic at its finest). The Iraqis are tired of getting blown up every day
when they leave their house, and the places where we have gained and maintained
a foothold, and established security has been transformed, which is "real"
purpose of the Surge...Push the bad guys out, and keep them out, so that the
Iraqi people can be safe, and the local government can re-establish control.
There are areas of Baghdad, and whole provinces of Iraq that are practically
tranquil and the former "nationalists--i.e. the sunni / former Sadam guys
fighting the "Occupation" have actually come over to our side--they are
realizing that we are not the ones doing the killing of their people. (took em
long enough). We would have Wal-mart, Starbucks, a most of Disney Land built
here by now had we done this 3 years ago! Now what to do about the A-holes in
the surrounding countries; that is the $64,000 question.
So yeah, there ya go.
I can't remember if I told you (again, I know I am a crappy pen pal) but I am no
longer at Victory, but have moved to Camp Delta; which is a "coalition" camp in
a different sector...Coalition means there was no significant US presence there,
so there is a mix mash of allied countries that are here to help us out...(makes
staff call a challenge)...and is much smaller scale and remote (No PX, no burger
king, barber, or AAFES support) than anything in Baghdad, but it is not that bad
here. In order to get snacks or whatever here you have to deal with a local
vendor "Habibi" who is a 50+ year old Iraqi guy from the area with about 40% of
his teeth...who has "squatted" in one of the abandoned buildings here on
post...however, if you go to his shop, you have to be prepared for the dreaded
"Habibi Man-Kiss"...
As for the Surge, I can tell you that militarily is spectacularly successful. We
are kicking jihadi ass seven ways to Sunday here. We are being successful in
pushing AQI and other baddies farther and farther from Baghdad, giving the
people and the government some breathing room. The thing we don't control is the
competency level of the government just don't shake off 1000's of
years of systemic Arabic style government corruption and 30 years of Stalinist
Totalitarian corruption easily...will the Iraqis be able to get all of their
shit into one bag before the Dems force us to surrender? Who knows...
The longer I am here, the more I am convinced that this is not a civil war, but
a proxy war being fought by Iran, Syria, SA and others through the various
terror groups...Joe Iraqi is (or at least was) very grateful, and by and large
still are that we took out Saddam and have given them "freedom"...Joe Iraqi
however, believes that because we are American we can literally do
ANYTHING...(We call this the "If the US can put a man on the Moon Syndrome..."
If we can put a man on the moon, then the reason that he doesn't have a job or
security, or electricity in his house is not because the terrorists are killing
/ destroying things, it is because we don't care enough to stop it. (this is
Arab logic at its finest). The Iraqis are tired of getting blown up every day
when they leave their house, and the places where we have gained and maintained
a foothold, and established security has been transformed, which is "real"
purpose of the Surge...Push the bad guys out, and keep them out, so that the
Iraqi people can be safe, and the local government can re-establish control.
There are areas of Baghdad, and whole provinces of Iraq that are practically
tranquil and the former "nationalists--i.e. the sunni / former Sadam guys
fighting the "Occupation" have actually come over to our side--they are
realizing that we are not the ones doing the killing of their people. (took em
long enough). We would have Wal-mart, Starbucks, a most of Disney Land built
here by now had we done this 3 years ago! Now what to do about the A-holes in
the surrounding countries; that is the $64,000 question.
So yeah, there ya go.
At 7:59 PM,
starttothink said…
Wow... that is fascinating stuff.
I wonder what would happen if you asked Fish to submit that mini-summary of his take to something like the NY Post or something...
No matter what happens, its people like him who are really the only ones allowed to bitch at the situation. The Dems can keep their damn mouths shut, and those Republicans that now act like Dems can do the same thing.
God Bless them Over There... they are really the only ones that "get it."
At 6:04 AM,
Paula said…
I have never doubted that our soldiers are doing a brilliant job and enjoying success. What I doubt is our ever being able to extricate ourselves from Iraq because no one will step forward and establish a working government.
Please wish him continued success and safety. And may he give Habibi a man-kiss he'll never forget! :)
At 9:59 AM,
Toast said…
Well, I found his point about whether or not they can rule themselves interesting.
I have some personal feelings on that. Some might find it offensive and I admit to making stereotypical generalizations based on probably no hard evidence whatsoever...
I am not sure that democratic style governments are FOR everyone. While I think man is created to be "free", I agree that it may be a rather nebulous concept. Our version of freedom is a "western concept" (see ancient Greece and Rome) and may not be applicable to other "cultures". Russia has had a hard time with it. China as well... George Patton felt that there were some things that "asiatic" peoples were simply not capable of. While I disagree on a base level to that, I DO think there may be some societies and cultures who perhaps may possess more inherent obstacles than others.
The Middle Eastern peoples may fall in to that group, I don't know. But I CAN say that we are doing the right thing... I just hope that others help us to continue to do it AND that those people who stand to benefit from western "freedom" will "get it" and step up to the plate and embrace it.
And while I am on a rant... frankly, even if we can't attach "freedom" to the region (for whatever reason) - we have a vested material interest in having a presence there (yes, oil). Until we don't NEED the region, we must continue to look out for our interests.
Isn't it interesting that were it not for the oil or the presence of major religious holy places, nobody would give a DAMN about that area.
I'd like to get rid of the oil reason to care... but, people LOVE their S.U.V.s!
At 5:58 AM,
Paula said…
You make a good point. Cultural norms could make our style of government very difficult. But we don't seem to have anyone in the current government who seems to want to find some other sort of solution.
And isn't this sad that it's all about oil?
At 8:16 AM,
Toast said…
Well, I don't think we've given them an honest chance at democracy yet due to all the foreign meddling. So I think it remains to be seen whether or not freedom will stick.
As far as the oil, I think it sucks that we are forced to deal with people intent on remaining in the middle ages for our oil. But generally, I am okay with this being about oil (and I don't think that is our primary concern - just a strategic priority) while we are dependent upon oil for our energy. No oil, no plastic. No plastic, no Star Wars toys...
I hope we drill up some of our own and not have to deal with outside powers for it. Or better yet, we become sustainable through other forms of energy. But that won't happen till long after the democrats have forced their hand on the Iraq war...
At 12:48 PM,
Daszzle said…
I just wanted to thank you (and your friend) for posting this. It was very educational and much more personable (and honest) than anything I could've read in the newspapers or seen on TV. God bless him and keep him safe.
At 10:42 AM,
Evan Reynolds said…
I agree with the oil comments ... I just wish folks were working harder on non-oil alternatives. I would rather just drive an electric car to work that I can plug in and power from a nuclear plant and forget the whole oil issue ... but that's just me.
I just kinda figure as long as there is a Texas oilman in office, we will not actually be reducing our reliance on oil. :-)
At 11:53 AM,
Toast said…
I dunno. I really think that Bush is not really at the front of the oil thing. I really think that the oil companies, car companies and the public's need to have a Hummer are teh "driving" force on this issue. If people stopped buying the gas guzzlers (even at $3 per gallon) or driving less when the price of gas would go up, it would send a much louder message to the powers that be.
But yeah, I'm all about the electric car! I really would like my next one to be a hybrid.
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