Chez Toast or Toast Haus

Toast is the most from coast to coast - and this is his Blog! You'll be witness to various insignificant musings. Please take them all with a grain of salt... or curry.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I took my first test. It was this past saturday for my online US Government course. There was 150 multiple choice questions. You got a point for each one - with the curve I ended up with 147 pts total. I have to keep from losing a total of 45 points for all three tests, to finish with an A. I guess that means I can screw up one of the tests pretty badly :)

I have my second test tonight in my history class. I know the material pretty well I think. I should be okay. I'd really like to finish the semester with two A's. I think that would be some good positive reinforcement for doing what I am doing.

I leave for Origins in the morning. Origins is a huge gaming convention for just about any kind of game you can think of - from board games to role-playing-games. A buddy from work and his wife are going with me. It's in Columbus Ohio - home of the Buckeyes!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So my Crocs have created a stir around the office. Some people say they look like garden shoes (apparently a few of the ladies have some that they wear in the garden). Some say they look cool. The women seem to be a bit more positive. Don't know why that is.

I have my first test this saturday for my online class (political science - U.S. Government). I'm interested to know whether I have been studying the right stuff. But mostly to know if my brain still works. I've only got a couple brain cells left, and to be honest, I think they are filled up with Star Wars movie quotes. If anyone knows how to purge that - let me know.

Monday, June 19, 2006

And another thing...

I have a new pair of Crocs shoes! They are THE most comfortable things I have ever put on my feet! I have been suffering chronic foot pain for years and they pretty much hurt any time I am on them, shoes or not. But these things are SO awesome that I don't even notice them. I still have foot problems but they don't hurt all the time.

I'm going to start my own little Croc revolution! I want about 4 pairs! They are AWESOME!
Chez Toast or Toast Haus

No, I have not fixed my front door. The piece I got would not fit. As is always the case with my house, nothing is standard. Need a new widget? Well, the ones they sell today won't fit... story of my life.

I've completed week 3 of summer semester. It's been very enjoyable. I've gotten lots out of the lectures as well as the text. It's amazing how much slower I read when I am reading to retain instead of just to pass time.
I'm reading a book on FDR called "The Defining Moment" for a book review that I have to do. So far I'm enjoying the book, but as I said before, it's slow going.

The hardest thing for me so far is time management. I have not had to make constructive use of my time in about 15 years. I'm not used to it. Are summer work schedule is 4 ten-hour days when added to class 2 nights a week, makes for some long days. So then I have to be productive with my time off... and that's not something I'm used to doing. Add lawn mowing once a week and trying to see Little on a regular basis, doesn't leave me with too much time left for loafing. And loafing has been pretty much my mantra for many years.

So, in the meantime, ponder this question... why did the northern states abandon civil war reconstruction so quickly and easily after so many of their sons died to preserve the union and end slavery? Kinda smells like the current situation in Iraq with all the whiners losing the stomach for the cause of Freedom. Everybody was all RAH RAH after September 11th... where did it all go? C'mon people, doing the right thing ain't always easy!