Chez Toast or Toast Haus

Toast is the most from coast to coast - and this is his Blog! You'll be witness to various insignificant musings. Please take them all with a grain of salt... or curry.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Well, it was great! I had the most fun I think I have ever had with an RPG. As I mentioned before, I decided to play the part of the "Dungeon Master" for a role-playing-game campaign. Tonight was our first night and I had a GREAT time. It was part storytelling, part comedian, part actor, part bad guy, part good guy, part referee! I can't wait to do it again. I only hope the players had as much fun as I did.

Pretty and I have bought tickets to Rome in March for about 7 days. The fares were too cheap to pass up and while I can't afford it, it was a great deal. 400 bucks a piece - round trip. I can barely fly from Phoenix AZ for that. Reee is coming with us, so that should be fun as well. It's not what I had in mind when we decided to go, but it could be a hoot! Talk about spur of the moment though... I'll recover. Now the planning can start!

Monday, January 24, 2005

I have figured out that I am an accoutrement fan. What I mean is that I like all the stuff that comes with a hobby. For instance; when I get into RC (remote control) cars, I like to get the cool cases for the car, all the cool gadgets and stuff etc... When I get into Dungeons and Dragons, I get excited about dice and campaign source books and miniatures. When I get interested in WWII history, I run out and buy a M1 Garand rifle from WWII. See a pattern forming here?

And the worst part is that when I order something off the internet (to save a few bucks of course), during the time that it takes to get here, I go bonkers and end up ordering more stuff. I guess it's the lack of a fix that gets me. If I could get the stuff instantly, my fix would be more likely to be satisfied and then I would not buy so much stuff during the "shipping wait" time.

All these things would not be too bad were it not for my "chronic hobby syndrome". This sickness causes me to change hobbies often - which means more new accoutrements every time!

I need help! Mom says I need God as I am searching for something. Fish says whatever it is that I need, he needs too as he is the same way. He needs to move here so we can geek out together!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Well, I have decided to do something i have never done before but always kinda wanted to. Since I was a kid in California (say 12-13 years old), I have always been interested in role playing games (read this to mean Dungeons and Dragons). It wasn't until years later that I would actually get to play, but I definately spent hours pouring over the books. Back in the early 90's, I finally got together with a gaming group (several of whom become some of my best friends - Bev and Jason) and we had a regular thing going. For whatever reason, it kinda fizzled but I've always missed it.
After talking with Bev and Jason and a couple co-workers, I've decided to try and put a group together again. But this time, I am seriously considering playing the role of the dungeon master. It's a big responsibility and a lot of work. But I never really got to play in the world I have in my head, I figure the only way to do that is to be the DM and create that world myself. Only problem is that I don't get to play in it... :(

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

So... it's been a year and a half since I posted something. I am sure that you all are bored senseless. My apologies. I wish there was a way to create blogs inside of blogs so I could have blog sections. I want to do a movie review section and book review section... I'm sure it can be done, I just ain't all the bright. Yet.

So, Pretty and I celebrate our 4 year anniversary today. Hard to believe. She makes me quite happy :)

What have I been up to for the last year and a half? Went to Europe twice. Was on Omaha Beach in France for the 60th Anniversary of D-Day last summer. That was incredible. Even got to see W Bush! Pretty and I went in fall of 2003 to Italy and Germany and had a great time.

Let's see, I quit playing Galaxies a few months ago. It was a tough decision to do it. It was my first game of that type and I did not realize how attached I had become to that "world". But, it's been a good thing I think. I don't know when I'll do another game like that in the future. My gut says to wait a while before I do another one so I will be wow'ed by it. Who knows?
I got to beta test a remake of my favorite computer game of all time - called Sid Meier's Pirates! It's a great remake and I even got my name in the credits :) I'm part of Pirates! history. Hooray for me.

I got a Kitched Aid mixer for christmas - yes, I still call it CHRISTMAS!!! I want to paint flames on it!